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reports that illustrate our work

frequently used models and tools

Go to Toolbox to find the models and tools from other organizations that we use the most. 

“Without data, you are just another person with an opinion"

                                                                           W. Edwards Deming

“All models are wrong, but some are useful"

                                                                            George E. P. Box

EFFECT (Energy Forecasting Framework and Emissions Consensus Tool) is a free, Excel-based tool that can analyze microeconomic activity scenarios to determine energy consumption and emissions, including detailed technological and behavioral changes at the national and local levels. 


As an Excel-based,engineering-style, bottom-up tool with some built-in optimization developed by the World Bank, EFFECT can be used by multiple stakeholders to build consensus around policy implementation to reduce GHG emissions and is designed to facilitate a transparent sharing of data and assumptions.


This free model is easily customizable to local requirements, such as analyzing specific activities and policies, and can be readily set up to run in any language. It has an extensive self-paced training course provided through World Bank's Open Learning Portal, which has trained over 2,000 practitioners in its use


EFFECT was first built by the World Bank for work on national energy planning analysis in India. Since then, it has been used in over 38 countries, including Brazil, Poland, Georgia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Nigeria, and Vietnam.

our most popular model

Urban Traffic


Sustainable Transport&




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