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White Van


experience & examples of


We are an independent Mexican consulting company established in 1988.


Material Standards Laboratory

Our ISO-certified accredited materials standards laboratory, Trafalgar, routinely audits the calibration of diesel and gasoline vehicle emission test equipment. To date, the laboratory has conducted more than 95,000 audits on equipment installed in vehicle emission testing centers in Mexico City, the States of Mexico, Puebla, Morelos, Chihuahua.



The company specializes in two areas: Emissions and Market Analysis. Here are some examples of our clients and projects:


Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INECC)  

Studies focused on operational cost and fuel consumption of heavy-duty vehicles among 599 fleets nationwide. A total of 10 market analysis studies were performed to determine the environmental performance of the vehicles that circulate the roads and highways of border cities in order to determine the composition and population of the in-use vehicle fleet of each city.


Mackay & Co    

Studies to determine the size of the in-use heavy-duty vehicle freight fleet in Mexico and the market size for repair and replacement components for heavy-duty freight vehicles. These studies have been performed by TSTES every 4 years since 1992. Each study has consisted of a very detailed analysis of over 350 fleets and supplemented with information coming from over 4,000 fleets.


Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit—GIZ

Vehicle scrappage programs in Mexico and international comparison, The project looked in depth at the heavy-duty vehicle scrappage program in Mexico. A separate study looked at scrappage programs and fuel efficiency improvement initiatives worldwide (including Smartway) to evaluate their effectiveness, applicability to Mexico, and differences vs the “Transporte Limpio” program.


International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)

The State of Freight report on the Mexican freight market


Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)

State of Knowledge study and Applied Research Program on low-carbon, high-volume transport, and capacity building needs in select Asian and African countries.


Diesel Nacional SA

Studies focused on determining the characteristics and expectations of in-use heavy-duty freight vehicles and urban buses. The projects included qualitative studies of the validation of the advertisements and establishment of the content of the interviews for the quantitative studies.



Studies looking to determine the characteristics of the motors for heavy-duty freight vehicles at a national level.


Blue Bird

Market analysis of urban and suburban buses and long-distance coaches.


Allied Signal

Market study of brake components at a national level.



Performed baselines studies of the Metrobús Insurgentes pilot to determine the reduction of greenhouse gases by the project. Additionally, TSTES trained Metrobus staff to be able to perform vehicular activity studies through the use of video equipment.



Focused analysis on energy sector emissions including on-road vehicles for many international and local organizations Examples include:


Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INECC)  

Technical expert in the diagnostic of the national inventory of mobile sources of emissions; Author of Technical Manual of Automotive Verification published by INE ISBN: 968-817-543-7; Managed the development of the terms of reference for the construction of a national testing laboratory for mobile sources. TSTES actively and directly participated in multiple vehicular characteristics and emissions studies in Mexican cities, as well as in the creation of the emissions norms for diesel vehicles.


Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Umwelt, Energie

Member of their expert pool to support developing countries in low carbon "Green" development and greenhouse gas measurement, reporting, and verification (mrv).


World Bank

Responsible for the recommendations related to vehicle emissions testing in the urban transport renewal project in Mumbai; Member of the Technical Council for Bus Testing Program of the BRT routes project in Mexico City; Developed a study to determine the vehicle population in the MCMA and its emission levels; Conducted lectures and workshops on transport emission inventories and measurement, and mitigation strategies in multiple countries.


Secretaría del Medio Ambiente (SEMARNAT)    

Leader of the expert team responsible for making recommendations on updating emissions standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and new diesel engines in Mexico.


Gobiernos del Distrito Federal y otros Entidades

Consultant in the development of the processes required by the Clean Development Mechanism for carbon credits; Designed and developed the vehicle emissions testing program currently used in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MCMA); Developed the specifications for the computer software used in the vehicle emissions testing program in the MCMA; Coordinated the approval of the biannual software changes in vehicle inspection programs in the MCMA and the states of Puebla and Hidalgo with 10 equipment manufacturers; Designed and coordinated the renewal of mandatory vehicle inspection programs in the states of Puebla, Hidalgo and Cd. Juarez Chih.; Designed and programmed communication interfaces between the Department of Ecology and verification centers for the state of Puebla; Calculated the potential for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in extending the Metrobus Insurgentes route to the south of Mexico City.


World Resources Institute / EMBARQ

Utilization and evaluation of different transportation emissions models and methodologies to develop indicators for sustainable urban transport systems as part of the Partnership for Sustainable Urban Transport in Asia. Mentor to the Hanoi government team in the development of indicators for sustainable, low-carbon, urban transportation in Hanoi.


Asian Development Bank

Low carbon development studies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.





United States 






























North Macedonia

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