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carbonn Cities Climate Registry (cCCR)

Tool Source:
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

The carbonn Cities Climate Registry (cCCR) is the leading global reporting platform of local climate action. It enables cities and Local Governments to demonstrate their power and potential to reduce climate risks and move towards global low-emissions and climate resilient development through the reporting of energy and climate commitments, greenhouse gas emissions as well as mitigation and adaptation actions. Launched at the World Mayors Summit on Climate in Mexico City on 21 November 2010cCCR), cCCR is the global response of Local Governments to measurable, reportable and verifiable climate action. The cCCR was developed by local governments for local governments.The cCCR enables cities and local governments to publicly register their greenhouse gas reduction commitments, report performance and showcase actions. It supports the global credibility of local climate action and ensures transparency, accountability and comparability. The cCCR enables cities and Local Governments to publicly report their energy and climate commitments, greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation and adaptation actions.

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