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E-TechDS – Energy Demand Technology Data Source

Tool Source:
Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP)

The ETSAP Energy Demand Technology Data Source (E-TechDS) Technology Briefs offer consistent sets of data on energy supply and demand technologies to help analysts to build their own energy system model. To put data in the right context, E-TechDS is conceived as a series of Technology Briefs that provide a basic overview on a process/technology, and its status, performance, costs, potential and barriers for key energy technology clusters. Each Brief consists of typically 5 to 10 pages including Highlights, full text and charts, and a summary data table.

The demand-side Briefs cover Residential and Commercial devices, Industrial processes, and Transportation vehicle. The list of demand-side Technology Briefs available, or under preparation, are provided below.

The ETSAP Briefs are intended to offer essential, reliable and quantitative information to energy analysts, experts, policymakers, investors and media from both developed and developing countries. The broad set of collaborating institutions contributed to the Technology Briefs are listed later, or may be found on the website.

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