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GEMIS (Global Emissions Model for Integrated Systems)

Tool Source:
International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS)

GEMIS is a life cycle analysis-based bottom-up model, designed to determine environmental impacts of energy, material and transport systems.
GEMIS consists of an analysis model to determine energy and material flows (including transports), and a related database. The analysis model calculates so-calledlife-cycles for processes and scenarios, i.e. it takes into account all processes from resource extraction (primary energy, raw materials) to final energy or material use. GEMIS can also analyze costs andemployment.
GEMIS yields key environmental flows and aggregated values (such as cumulated energy and raw material demands), greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents), air emissions (SO2 equivalents) and ozone precursor equivalents. All results can be broken down into contributions from each process, and aggregated as sectoral or regional sub-totals.

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