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Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (LECRDS) - Guidance Manuals and Toolkits

Tool Source:
Green Growth Knowledge Platform

The Green LECRDS guidance manuals and toolkits provide project managers and developing country government decision-makers with low-carbon approaches to support their development agenda. Green LECRDS means Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies. UNDP has been producing a series of manuals, guidebooks and toolkits that draw upon the experience and information generated by UNDP’s support for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and National Communications to the UNFCCC in some 140 countries over the past decade. In a flexible and non-prescriptive manner, they offer detailed step-by-step guidance for the identification of key stakeholders and establishment of participatory planning and coordination frameworks; generation of climate change profiles and vulnerability scenarios; and identification and prioritization of mitigation and adaptation options. These steps serve as the basis for envisioning development trajectories resilient to possible climate outcomes; assessment of financing requirements; and development of green, low-emission and climate-resilient roadmaps for project development, policy instruments, and financial flows. The Green LECRDS preparation process involves multiple sectors, stakeholders, and levels of government, including high-level public and private authorities with decision-making powers

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