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Green Trucks Toolkit

Tool Source:
Clean Air Asia

This toolkit is an excel-based model that estimates the baseline fleet emissions and evaluates the impact of applying different technologies and strategies to improve vehicle efficiency. The Green Trucks Toolkit was developed by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities under the Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative. It is mainly based on the UNEP-TNT Clean Fleet Management Toolkit. The toolkit enables the users to estimate the following vehicle-related emissions from their fleet: • Carbon dioxide • Particulate matter • Nitrogen oxides • Carbon monoxide • Volatile organic compounds • Sulfur oxides • Lead (for gasoline trucks) Aside from the emissions, fleet efficiency baseline indicators such as amount of emissions per ton-km and amount of fuel consumed per ton-km are also outputs provided by the tool. The toolkitl also allows the evaluation of scenarios involving the employment of technologies and strategies that are geared towards improving truck fuel efficiency and reducing pollution: • eco-driving • improved maintenance • aerodyamic styling • low rolling resistance tires • idling reduction • reduction of sulfur in diesel and gasoline • reduction/elimination of lead in gasoline • emission control devices • replacement of diesel and gasoline trucks with LPG/CNG trucks This Toolkit may be used for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made as follows: "Green Trucks Toolkit, 2012, developed by CAI-Asia Center with support from Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (GMS CEP-BCI) under regional technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank, and based on the UNEP TNT Clean Fleet Management Toolkit." No use of this Toolkit may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose whatsoever, without prior permission in writing from the CAI-Asia Center. The CAI-Asia Center does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this Toolkit and does not accept responsibility for consequence of its use

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