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HOMER Energy Modeling Software

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HOMER is a computer model that simplifies the task of designing distributed generation (DG) systems - both on and off-grid. HOMER's optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms allow you to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of a large number of technology options and to account for variations in technology costs and energy resource availability. Originally designed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the village power program, HOMER is now licensed to HOMER Energy. HOMER provides the detailed rigor of chronological simulation and optimization in a model that is relatively simple and easy to use. It’s adaptable to a wide variety of projects. For a village or community-scale power system, HOMER can model both the technical and economic factors involved in the project. For larger systems, HOMER can provide an important overview that compares the cost and feasibility of different configurations; then designers can use more specialized software to model the technical performance. HOMER is accessible to large set of users, including non-technical decision makers. Chronological simulation is essential for modeling variable resources, such as solar and wind power and for combined heat and power applications where the thermal load is variable. HOMER’s sensitivity analysis helps determine the potential impact of uncertain factors such as fuel prices or wind speed on a given system, over time.

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