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Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Tools

Tool Source:
U.S National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) spreadsheet-based, input-output tool can be used to estimate economic impacts from investments in renewable and non-renewable energy technologies. The JEDI models are user-friendly screening tools that estimate the economic impacts of constructing and operating power plants, fuel production facilities, and other projects at the local (usually state) level. The JEDI models run in Excel. All JEDI models apply the same basic user interface. Users download the appropriate JEDI model and then enter basic information about a project, including the state, location, year of construction, and facility size. The model then estimates the project costs (i.e., specific expenditures), and the economic impacts in terms of jobs, earnings (i.e., wages and salary), and output (i.e., value of production) resulting from the project. To the extent a user has and can incorporate project-specific data as well as the share of spending expected to occur locally, the results are more likely to better reflect the actual impacts from the specific project.

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