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Manual for Calculating GHG Benefits of GEF Transportation Projects

Tool Source:
Global Environmental Facility

Every GEF project requires an assessment of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in CO2 equivalence) that the projects are expected to reduce. In 2008, the GEF developed a manual detailing specific methodologies for calculating the GHG impacts of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean energy technology projects.
This new Manual provides the first methodology designed specifically for projects in the transportation sector. The GEF models are designed to develop ex-ante estimations of the GHG impacts of transport interventions (projects) as accurately as possible, without requiring data so exacting that it discourages investment in the sector. The methodology provides uniformity in the calculations and assumptions used to estimate the GHG impact over a very diverse array of potential transportation projects.
To confidently project the GHG reductions for a GEF project, specific methodologies have been developed for common types of transport projects. At the heart of these methodologies are a series of models (Excel-format formulas) called the Transportation Emissions Evaluation Model for Projects (TEEMP). The methodologies are derived from international experience and best practices, and are kept as simple as possible.

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