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Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool

Tool Source:
U.S National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This planning tool helps your vehicle fleet reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It ceates a comprehensive plan for your fleet by using several savings methods. If your fleet includes multiple vehicle types you can add more vehicles to each method. ThePetroleum Reduction Planning Tool is a tool to help your vehicle fleet evaluate five different methods for reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions:Replace Vehicles Replacing older vehicles with more fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles can reduce fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Either replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a standard powertrain; or replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a new powertrain Use Alternative Fuel in Existing Vehicles Several alternative fuels may be used to displace petroleum in existing vehicles.Reduce Idling Idle time reduction refers to times when a vehicle is turned off instead of left idling. Idle time reduction strategies can be as simple as stopping the vehicles engine at stop lights or while parked during a delivery. Idle reduction strategies may also encompass methodologies such as truck stop electrification, where the driver plugs his vehicle in to power necessary systems rather than idling, or using on-board auxiliary power units.Reduce Mileage Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction refers to substituting conventional travel with a mode of transportation that reduces petroleum consumption. This includes methods such as biking, walking, eliminating trips or increasing the efficiency of existing vehicles by using mass transit or developing advanced fleet strategies, such as route planning.Drive Efficiently There exist a number of methods to improve the fuel economy of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Technologies in this category include such things as changing driver behavior (for example, reducing fast starts) and improved maintenance (for example, proper tire inflation).

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