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Stock Taking Tool

Tool Source:
International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV

This tool aims to aid developing countries in carrying out a stock taking to helping them assess the current ability of their national systems related to Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) as well as monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) to create transparency and an information basis for planning and implementing mitigation actions, and to comply with the UNFCCC requirements.

The tool can also be applied for broader functions of a national MRV system, e.g. related to reporting at the national level. The output of this gap analysis tool is a prioritized list of gaps.

This information can be used as basis for the development of a strategy for the further development LEDS, NAMAs and the national MRV system. Furthermore it can serve as input for the reporting on support required (in the form of financial, technology transfer or capacity building support) in the BUR.

The use of this tool is voluntary; the tool has not been endorsed by the UNFCCC.

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