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US Local Government Operations Protocol

Tool Source:
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

The LGO Protocol is an unprecedented collaboration between ICLEI, the California Air Resources Board, the California Climate Action Registry, and The Climate Registry.
With the nation’s leading organizations in local GHG accounting protocol collaborating on a single protocol, LGO Protocol is now the official standard for all local governments in the United States who wish to prepare and report GHG emissions.
The LGO Protocol has been formally approved by the boards of ICLEI USA, the California Climate Action Registry and the California Air Resources Board.
By following the LGO Protocol, local governments can be confident that their work will adhere to the latest in GHG accounting, and can be sure that their efforts will be compatible with programs by the collaborating partners, and with any other entity that adopts the LGO Protocol for its programs. ICLEI has adopted LGO Protocol as the basis for its Five Milestones for Climate Mitigation.

The objective of this protocol is to provide a consistent set of methodologies for US government inventories in order to facilitate benchmarking between local governments as well as the basis for completing the Five Milestones for Climate Protection.

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