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TEEMP is an excel-based model initially developed by the Clean Air Initiative Asia for evaluating the emissions impacts of ADB's transport project and has been modified and extended for GEF projects.  The TEEMP tools are sketch models which enable the estimation of emissions in both “project” and “no-project” scenarios and can be used for evaluating short to long term impacts of projects. TEEMP primarily evaluates the impacts of transport projects on CO2 emissions and to some extent air pollutant emissions using data gathered during project feasibility and actual operations. The TEEMP tools have been developed in such a way that required input data are based on what data is available and easily accessible. A general transport emissions estimation manual, as well as project-specific emissions estimation tools are now available for roads construction and rehabilitation; railways; bus rapid transit (BRT); metro rail transit (MRT); bikeways; bike sharing schemes. Tools are also available for estimating the impacts of other transport strategies such as eco-driving, pay-as-you-drive insurance, pricing and commuter strategies. TEEMP is currently being enhanced to improve accuracy and functionality, and make it easier to use for widespread application in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere.
Transport Emissions Evaluation Models for Projects (TEEMP) provides comprehensive, up-to-date, and sourced information on energy and environmental regulations in the transportation sector worldwide, with a focus on emissions and fuels. is a collaboration between theInternational Council on Clean Transportation andDieselNet.
The Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation Model (VICE) assists fleets and businesses in evaluating the profitability of potential CNG projects. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) built the CNG Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation (VICE) model. The VICE model demonstrates the relationship between project profitability and fleet operating parameters. Costs of installing natural gas infrastructure varies based on size, capacity, and the type of natural gas (LNG, CNG, or both) it dispenses. It also varies in the way the natural gas is dispensed (fast-fill, time-fill). The VICE model evaluates the return on investment and payback period for natural gas vehicles and fueling infrastructure. The business case targets municipal governments, which operate fleets suited well for CNG vehicles because they drive circular routes that enable refueling at the same station. These fleets are transit buses, school buses, and refuse trucks. Municipal governments are also targeted because their primary goal is to improve their residents' quality of life. This goal allows the government to utilize all the advantages of CNG, including long-term cost-effectiveness, more-consistent operational costs, increased energy security, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced local air pollution, and reduced noise pollution.   VICE has been developed in collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and the Alternative Fuel Data Center.
Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation Model (VICE)
The Vehicle Cost Calculator is a high-level screening tool that compares the ownership costs and greenhouse gas emissions among alternative fuel vehicles, advanced technology vehicles, and conventional vehicles currently on the market. The tool uses basic information about your driving habits to calculate total cost of ownership and emissions for makes and models of most vehicles, including alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. Select up to eight vehicles to compare from currently available makes and models or create your own custom vehicle. The Vehicle Cost Calculator has been developed in collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and the Alternative Fuel Data Center.
Vehicle Cost Calculator
In recent years the ICCT has collaborated in or otherwise assisted a variety of benefit and cost studies on light-duty vehicle technologies in the United States, Europe, and China. These analyses, together with studies conducted by public agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, provide a necessary foundation for any assessment of light-duty vehicle technology development over the coming decade.

The list below, sorted according to authoring organization, links to mass reduction (vehicle lightweighting) studies. For a similar collection of resources on cost curves.
Vehicle Emissions - Vehicle mass reduction: Resources
In recent years the ICCT has collaborated in or otherwise assisted a variety of benefit and cost studies on light-duty vehicle technologies in the United States, Europe, and China. These analyses, together with studies conducted by public agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, provide a necessary foundation for any assessment of light-duty vehicle technology development over the coming decade.

The list below, sorted according to authoring organization, links to cost-curve analyses. For a similar collection of resources focused on vehicle mass reduction.
Vehicle Emissions Cost curves: Resources
In fits and starts over the past three decades, most of the world's major vehicle markets—the United States, the European Union, Japan, China, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil, and India—have adopted various forms of efficiency standards for passenger vehicles.

In 2004, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change published a groundbreaking report on GHG emission standards and passenger vehicle fuel economy that proposed a methodology for directly comparing vehicle standards defined in terms of grams of CO2 per kilometer (as in the EU) and miles per gallon (as in the U.S.).

In 2007 the ICCT released asignificant update to that original Pew report, refining the method of converting standards so as to compare them on an equal basis and including important changes in vehicle standards in the pattern-setting jurisdictions of Europe, Japan, and the U.S.

Since then, the increasingly urgent need for effective policies on climate change mitigation and energy efficiency has only underscored the importance of accessible and reliable benchmarking across jurisdictions.

A presentation comparing the various national standards using the most current regulations or proposals can be downloaded using the links below, along with the dataset and test-cycle conversion tool used to generate those apples-to-apples comparisons.
Global passenger vehicle standards
This toolkit is an excel-based model that estimates the baseline fleet emissions and evaluates the impact of applying different technologies and strategies to improve vehicle efficiency. The Green Trucks Toolkit was developed by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities under the Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative. It is mainly based on the UNEP-TNT Clean Fleet Management Toolkit. The toolkit enables the users to estimate the following vehicle-related emissions from their fleet: • Carbon dioxide • Particulate matter • Nitrogen oxides • Carbon monoxide • Volatile organic compounds • Sulfur oxides • Lead (for gasoline trucks) Aside from the emissions, fleet efficiency baseline indicators such as amount of emissions per ton-km and amount of fuel consumed per ton-km are also outputs provided by the tool. The toolkitl also allows the evaluation of scenarios involving the employment of technologies and strategies that are geared towards improving truck fuel efficiency and reducing pollution: • eco-driving • improved maintenance • aerodyamic styling • low rolling resistance tires • idling reduction • reduction of sulfur in diesel and gasoline • reduction/elimination of lead in gasoline • emission control devices • replacement of diesel and gasoline trucks with LPG/CNG trucks This Toolkit may be used for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made as follows: "Green Trucks Toolkit, 2012, developed by CAI-Asia Center with support from Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (GMS CEP-BCI) under regional technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank, and based on the UNEP TNT Clean Fleet Management Toolkit." No use of this Toolkit may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose whatsoever, without prior permission in writing from the CAI-Asia Center. The CAI-Asia Center does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this Toolkit and does not accept responsibility for consequence of its use
Green Trucks Toolkit
The ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator allows passengers to estimate the emissions attributed to their air travel. It is a simple to use methodology to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from air travel for use in offset programmes, which requires only a limited amount of information from the user.
The methodology applies the best publicly available industry data to account for various factors such as aircraft types, route specific data, passenger load factors and cargo carried.
The Carbon Calculator is additionally available in the Apple App Store as an iPhone and iPad application.
ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator
The ICAO Green Meetings Calculator is a tool designed to support decision-making in reducing the carbon emissions from air travel to attend meetings. The software generates an optimal location for a meeting in terms of CO2 emissions, taking into consideration the city of origin and the number of participants, as well as other parameters. While many factors may affect the decision for where a meeting should be held, the calculator helps facilitate the planning process. 
The Green Meetings Calculator is additionally available in the Apple App Store as an iPhone and iPad application.
ICAO Green Meeting Calculator
The International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) Model is a computer model designed to estimate emissions from motor vehicles. The model is intended to help cities and regions develop emissions estimates to:

Focus control strategies and transportation planning on those that are most effective;
Predict how different strategies will effect local emissions; and
Measure progress in reducing emissions over time.
The IVE model is a stand-alone, Java based emissions estimation tool for on-road vehicle fleets. Emissions are estimated based on fleet technology distribution, vehicle driving patterns, vehicle start patterns, fuel quality, temperature, and humidity. Emission estimates are made for criteria pollutants, common toxic materials, andgreenhouse gas emissions. Why is it needed?   Emissions from vehicles in most countries, particularly developing countries, are not well understood, and the ability to make accurate emissions estimates is critical for air quality management planning. Only a few countries, such as the U.S. and Europe have developed reasonably accurate emissions projection tools, and these models are designed only for their respective regions. The U.S. and European models cannot take into account the differing technologies and conditions that exist in most developing countries. Most of these existing models do not include the full range of global warming and local toxic emissions that are needed to fully evaluate the impact of motor vehicles. The International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) Model is specifically designed to have the flexibility needed by developing nations in their efforts to address mobile source air emissions.
International Vehicle Emissions Model
The Low Emission Transport Toolkit supports development planners, technical experts, and decision makers at national and local levels to plan and implement low emission transportation systems that support economic growth. This toolkit helps users navigate a variety of resources to identify the most effective tools to build and implement low emission development strategies (LEDS) for the transport sector.
LEDS Transportation Toolkit
Every GEF project requires an assessment of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in CO2 equivalence) that the projects are expected to reduce. In 2008, the GEF developed a manual detailing specific methodologies for calculating the GHG impacts of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean energy technology projects.
This new Manual provides the first methodology designed specifically for projects in the transportation sector. The GEF models are designed to develop ex-ante estimations of the GHG impacts of transport interventions (projects) as accurately as possible, without requiring data so exacting that it discourages investment in the sector. The methodology provides uniformity in the calculations and assumptions used to estimate the GHG impact over a very diverse array of potential transportation projects.
To confidently project the GHG reductions for a GEF project, specific methodologies have been developed for common types of transport projects. At the heart of these methodologies are a series of models (Excel-format formulas) called the Transportation Emissions Evaluation Model for Projects (TEEMP). The methodologies are derived from international experience and best practices, and are kept as simple as possible.
Manual for Calculating GHG Benefits of GEF Transportation Projects
A key part of the scenario modelling is the regular production of updated EU and Member State GHG emission reference scenarios under current trends and policies, in consultation with Member State experts. Policy scenario results provide analytical information to support the analysis of environmental, economic and social impacts, e.g. cost-effectiveness analysis and other complex analyses involving multiple objectives.

The model suite currently used has a successful record of use in the Commission's climate policy impact assessments – e.g. for the 2030 climate and energy policy framework.
Modelling tools for EU analysis
EPA’s MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics.
MOVES and Other Mobile Source Emissions Models
This planning tool helps your vehicle fleet reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It ceates a comprehensive plan for your fleet by using several savings methods. If your fleet includes multiple vehicle types you can add more vehicles to each method. ThePetroleum Reduction Planning Tool is a tool to help your vehicle fleet evaluate five different methods for reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions:Replace Vehicles Replacing older vehicles with more fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles can reduce fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Either replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a standard powertrain; or replacing a vehicle with a new vehicle that uses a new fuel type, has a new fuel economy (MPG), and a new powertrain Use Alternative Fuel in Existing Vehicles Several alternative fuels may be used to displace petroleum in existing vehicles.Reduce Idling Idle time reduction refers to times when a vehicle is turned off instead of left idling. Idle time reduction strategies can be as simple as stopping the vehicles engine at stop lights or while parked during a delivery. Idle reduction strategies may also encompass methodologies such as truck stop electrification, where the driver plugs his vehicle in to power necessary systems rather than idling, or using on-board auxiliary power units.Reduce Mileage Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction refers to substituting conventional travel with a mode of transportation that reduces petroleum consumption. This includes methods such as biking, walking, eliminating trips or increasing the efficiency of existing vehicles by using mass transit or developing advanced fleet strategies, such as route planning.Drive Efficiently There exist a number of methods to improve the fuel economy of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Technologies in this category include such things as changing driver behavior (for example, reducing fast starts) and improved maintenance (for example, proper tire inflation).
Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool
The software provides environmental LCA results for Canadian regional materials manufacturing, roadway construction and maintenance life cycle stages. It allows custom roadway design, or users can draw from a library of 50 existing roadway designs. The software includes a large equipment and materials database and the flexibility to specify unique pavement systems – sub-base and base granular materials as well as hot and warm mix asphalt and a host of user specified concrete mix designs. Users can also input use-phase operating energy and apply built-in pavement vehicle interaction algorithms, if desired, to be included in the final LCA results. The software allows for quick and easy comparison of multiple design options over a range of expected roadway lifespans.
ATHENA The Athena Impact Estimator for Highways
COPERT 4 is a software program aimed at the calculation of air pollutant emissions from road transport. Scientific research underpinning the model is supported by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). COPERT has been developed for use by national experts to estimate emissions from road transport to be included in official annual national inventories. However, it is available and free for use in any other research, scientific and academic applications.
COPERT4 road transport emissions model 
Aviation Landing and Takeoff emissions calculator 2019 and
Aviation Master emissions calculator 2019
EMEP-EEA aviation emissions calculator 2019
The European Vehicle Market Statistics Pocketbook offers a statistical portrait of passenger car and light commercial vehicle fleets in the European Union, updated annually.

The emphasis is on vehicle technologies and emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Brief introductions to each chapter note important trends and provide selected comparisons to other large vehicle markets.
European Vehicle Market Statistics Pocketbook
FASTSim estimates the cost effectiveness of advanced vehicle powertrains. Vehicle characteristics are loaded, customized and then simulated through a speed vs. time drive cycle to estimate efficiency, performance, cost, and battery life.
Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim)
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