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TSTES is widely recognized as the leader in market analysis within the transport sector in Mexico. The company has performed studies since 1992, some with more than 2,500 variables, involving more than a quarter-million interviews, for clients in Mexico and international corporations. 

An example of this is a nationwide, on-going series of studies that the company has performed every 4 years since 1996, analyzing the activity and maintenance practices of in-use heavy-duty vehicles (class 7 and 8 trucks and buses). Each study has included an in-depth analysis of around 350 fleets, supplemented with information from over 4,000 other active fleets.

In a similar fashion, TSTES has performed heavy-duty vehicle studies in Mexico for multiple federal agencies, multinational groups (such as GIZ and the World Bank), and for its own research purposes.

For the World Bank, the company has performed in-use vehicle activity analysis in many countries such as Ethiopia, Macedonia, and Nigeria.

Under the WRI PSUTA Project to develop Indicators for Sustainable Urban Transport Systems, we were mentor to the Hanoi government team in the development of indicators for sustainable, low-carbon, urban transportation.

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